
Application Portal: Beginning Your Journey at Life West

What’s Our Next Move?


Start a New Application

— Let’s Go


Continue Where You Left Off

— Let’s Go


Complete Intent to Enroll

— Let’s Go

Next Steps

Life West New Student Portal

— Let’s Go

Every step of the way

Resources at your fingertips

Have questions?  Having a hard time finding something?  Not sure exactly what we’re looking for?  Reach out.  Our admissions team is here to help you through this process every step of the way.

Application Checklist

A breakdown of everything we’ll need to complete your application

All of the information collected in our application is exactly what you’d expect.

To get started:

Part 1

About You

No surprises here. The first part of application is all the basic “this is who I am” type info – name, contact info, birthday, how’d you find us and any special considerations around military experience, disabilities, etc.

Part 2

College Background

We’re looking for the info you’d expect about the college(s) you attended for your undergrad and other degree/credits. For international students from non-English speaking countries, we’ll also ask for information about your IELTS or TOEFL results.

Part 3

Disclosures & Signature

Once you’ve completed the app, you’ll be asked to review various rules, regulations & disclosures.  Then, we’ll ask you to sign your application – acknowledging that you’ve read the disclosures and everything you’ve submitted is accurate.

Part 5

Application Fee

During the process, you’ll be asked to submit your $45 application fee with payment available through our secure, online platform.

Once you’ve submitted your application:

Part 5

Documentation Uploads

  • High school transcripts or diploma copy
  • Unofficial college transcript(s)
  • Personal essay on why you want to be a chiropractor


FERPA Authorization

Life West adheres to FERPA – the act governing our institutional responsibilities to student privacy. Here, you can provide consent for our team to release/discuss information about your educational records with other parties (e.g. spouses, family, advisors or others you choose).